Wednesday, February 14, 2007

HGTV in the ER

Whew, that's a lot of letters!

I spent the better part of today in the emergency room with Teagan. He got a stomach bug and got dehydrated, so we had to go get him some IV fluids. He's doing much better now.

I must say the ER rooms are much improved since our last visit. They have TV's in each room now! They pop out of the wall on these swivel arms. Teagan fell asleep for a couple hours, so I watched HGTV. I'm thinking of painting the kids rooms brown. I saw a brown bedroom that they did on one of those decorating shows, and it looked really nice! Plus, the black sharpie wouldn't be nearly so noticable on brown.....

Oh yeah, didn't I mention it? Jade redecorated 3 rooms of my house with black sharpie marker...again. But this time she did it with gusto and no amount of cleaning products is going to undo her masterpiece. I'm thinking some primer and new paint will do the trick...

Ugh. It's really been one of those weeks. Um, happy love day or something like that.

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