Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Dodged a Bullet!

My midwife, Jane, came out for our 36 week homevisit this morning. It went well. She said my birth kit looked good & well organized. Imagine, me being organized! LOL Everything looks great with the baby. Good strong heartbeat, and I measured at 38 cm, so just a little bigger than "normal". We discussed where the birth would be, and decided that the living room was just fine. She offered the Group B Strep test and I said okay, and that's when the trouble started. Well, not trouble so much as my pregnant brain not understanding. As it turns out, because the hospital where my medical back-up works is pressuring every positive GBS to get IV antibiotics, that rule would apply to me also. Even though I was only seen once, and even though they are only emergency backup, if that test came back positive I would HAVE TO deliver at the hospital even if I had NO risk factors. A positive = hospital birth. Once it was explained to me again, the little test tube magically disappeared. I am not going to voluntarily check myself in for any reason except emergency. So, we dodged a bullet today. Big Time.


Partyhouse 4 God said...

So, does that mean you are positive for Strep or is it negative. I am sorry, I really didn't understand the whole hospital thing. LACK OF SLEEP and hearing =)

Sharmista said...

We didn't do the test at all. If you don't know, they can't make you do anything.

If we had tested and been positive I would have had to birth in the hospital.

If we had tested and been negative, then no biggie.

Better not to test than be forced into the hospital by someone's stupid rule.

Partyhouse 4 God said...

OK That makes sense now. Thanks for explaining that!! I am glad that you had a choice and that your midwife is so smart. Are you effacing anymore than last time??

Sharmista said...

She didn't end up checking me, so no telling. Baby is pretty well engaged though. :-)