Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ruby's Birthday & updates

We had Ruby's birthday party last Saturday. She turned 2! It was a good party. She had a great time and got lots of loot. Including two baby dolls. I got her a really nice soft doll and Grandma H. got her a plastic baby. Of course she likes Grandma's better. I was really ticked off for about 2 days. Anyway, here are some pics...

In other news... we took the kittens to the Humane Society today and they wouldn't take them. They have a 2 month waiting list for surrenders. Because we fed them, they are legally ours and we have to go through the surrender process. If you call them about a stray and they come pick it up, there's no wait. Funny thing is, I called them while Miss Kitty was still pregnant, BEFORE we fed her, and they said they would send someone out. They never did. I'm a little mad about it. I love all the kitties, and I wish we could keep them all but 6 cats is a lot. No clue what will happen now.


Partyhouse 4 God said...

I love Rudy's outfit!!! I hope she had a great b-day! Someone always gives the better gift. Maybe she could have a kitty for her b-day?!

revjac said...

I am so glad you put up pics of Ruby's birthday. I am so sad we couldn't be there. She is such a cutie! Love the sunglasses!


Beth said...

Yeah our shelter did that too. This cat followed me home two winters ago and we called the shelter, they asked us to hold her until spring because they had no room. Short version: kitty got pregnant and had 3 kittens and they wanted us to pay them to take them. We ended up donating $25 dollars and they took them all.

Good luck.