Tuesday, May 20, 2008

The Little Big Things

Today we had one of those "God-incidences." You know, those funny circumstances that you call coincidence but are really movements of God's Almighty Hand. It was over something somewhat insignificant in the grand scheme of life. Which makes it all the cooler.

At lunch Teagan & I had been discussing whether or not we should look for a roof storage thingy for our truck. We're going on vacation in a few weeks and really need the extra storage capacity. We didn't come to any decisions on the matter because, well, those things are expensive. We headed to town to go to the greenhouse & get some shrubs for the yard. Not knowing how big of a shrub we might find, Teagan brought the trailer along. Wouldn't you know it, halfway to town we passed a roof storage thingy for sale in someone's driveway for $10! The man who owned it happened to be home, we happened to have $10, and it took just a minute to bungee it to the trailer (which we just happened to have along).

It's always amazing to me to see how God provides for what we need in creative & interesting ways. It wasn't a big huge need, but it was something to make our trip easier, to solve a problem that could have really stressed us out. God is so cool! :-)


Partyhouse 4 God said...


Bekah said...

Rock on, Jesus!

Have a great trip! Is this the trip to visit your mom?

Sharmista said...

Yes, this is the trip to mom's. It's the only place we ever go!

Bekah said...

Call me when you get here! You'll have to come see the NEW Cotton Babies! If you're here on May 31, we're having a HUGE Grand Opening with TONS of givaways!